Forced Labour is where a child is exploited in labour for someone else’s gain. It may involve victims being compelled to work long hours, often in arduous conditions, and to relinquish the majority, if not all, of their wages.
Know the indicators
Children who have been trafficked for the purpose of forced labour or labour exploitation may:
Believe that they must work against their will.
Be forced to work under inappropriate conditions.
Be unable to or feel that they cannot leave the work environment.
Show signs that their movements are being controlled.
Show fear or anxiety.
Be subjected to violence or threats of violence against themselves or against their family members and loved ones.
Suffer injuries that appear to be the result of an assault.
Suffer injuries or impairments typical of certain jobs or control measures.
Be distrustful of the authorities or be threatened with being handed over to the authorities.
Not be in possession of their passports or other travel or identity documents, as those documents are being held by someone other than their parents or guardians.
Have false identity or travel documents.
Not know their home address.
Allow others to speak for them when addressed directly.
Act as if they are being instructed by someone else.
Be made work excessively long hours over long periods.
Are you worried about a child?
You can report anonymously by calling the Garda Confidential Hotline or emailing Blue Blindfold
1800 666 111or
The signs of child abuse can be hard to spot. We can help you to recognise the signs of abuse with our breakdown of some of the most common indicators to make yourself aware of.